Tibetan Medicine & Acupuncture Treatments | Madison WI
Tibetan Herbal Medicine
Dr. Gyal provides traditional Tibetan medicine consultations in Madison Wisconsin and the Chicago area. Personalized care is based upon a comprehensive intake session and patient history, analysis of pulse readings taken at the wrist of both hands, urinalysis through observation of color, consistency and odor, as well as tongue analysis. More subtle aspects will be observed such as quality of skin and skin-tone, sclera of the eyes, condition and aspect of hair and nails.
Tibetan medicine is founded upon the principle that health or illness result from a fundamental relationship between the mind and body: An imbalance in emotions, lack of connection to the spiritual, improper diet and unhealthful behavior may all contribute to our lack of health and wellbeing. Addressing these imbalances and bringing them into equilibrium is an individualized process for each patient; a Tibetan medicine doctor may suggest lifestyle changes or dietary adjustments, and recommend Tibetan herbs, acupuncture, or cupping in order to restore balance to the body-mind relationship.
Tibetan herbal compounds are composed of natural elements (plants, minerals, flowers, spices etc) which act in a synergistic manner, meaning that the ingredients are specifically formulated to work cohesively rather than independently. As the manifestations of illness or symptoms change or improve, the formulations are adjusted accordingly. These organic compounds are generally in a pill form for convenience and are either dissolved in water or crushed before taking with a glass of warm water.
Within Tibetan medicine's holistic view, a person is seen to consist of three basic energies which are responsible for the entire function of mind, body, and spirit. Individual health involves the proper balance of these three energies: When a person’s psychological state, diet and behavior/habits are not positive and beneficial, the balance of these energies is disturbed, resulting in a variety of health complaints and illnesses.
rLung (Wind) energy manifests in nature as the air element. It is responsible for all physical and mental movements including circulation of blood, breathing, elimination, secretion, impulses of the nervous system, and clarity of the sense organs. It also sustains life by maintaining balance between the mind and body.
Tri-pa (Bile) energy has the nature of fire element. It is responsible for metabolism, hunger, thirst, digestion, assimilation, temperature, skin complexion, encouragement and intelligence. It also expels aggression, hatred, anger and determination.
Bad-kan (Phlegm) energy manifests in nature as earth and water elements. It is responsible for firmness of the body and stability of the mind. It induces sleep, connects bodily joints, and lubricates the body. It also generates tolerance and expels ignorance and incomprehension.

Acupuncture & Moxibustion
Dr. Yangbum Gyal is a licensed acupuncturist in Madison WI. Acupuncture is one of the oldest and most commonly used traditional medical modalities. Varying forms of acupuncture are used in China, Tibet, Korea and Japan, however the underlying premise of acupuncture treatment remains consistent across all traditions: To create balance in the mind and body through the regulation of the flow of 'Qi' (energy). Thin needles are gently inserted at specific acupuncture points along meridians in order to unblock the flow of Qi and restore balance between 'Yin' and 'Yang', the opposing but complementary energies in the body which --when in balance-- create harmony between the mind and physical body. When balance is achieved, the result is improved physical and mental health.
Dr. Gyal may combine acupuncture sessions with moxibustion. Moxibustion is a foundational part of traditional medical systems in China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Mongolia, and Tibet: According to historical research Tibetan moxibustion, called Metsa (Me=fire, tsa=produce), has been practiced in Tibet for over four thousand years. Moxa is dried mugwort (khempa in Tibetan) compressed and formed into smudge sticks, cones, or pellets which are then burned over specific points to unblock congested energy. In the Chinese system, moxibustion is based upon the system of meridians and application at specific points, whereas Tibetan moxibustion is distinct in that the heat of the burning moxa is thought to disperse throughout the body as a whole, expelling 'cold' elements (pain, illness) and bringing warmth (circulation, healing). Dr. Gyal offers moxibustion in both the Tibetan and Chinese traditions.
Acupuncture is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an effective method in managing symptoms associated with various chronic conditions and illnesses:
Neurogenic Pain
Bladder Dysfunction
Parkinson's Disease
Postoperative Pain
Bell's Palsy
Back Pain
Muscle Cramping
Muscle Pain/Weakness
Neck Pain
Hyperacidity (GERD)
Urinary Retention
Urinary Tract Infections

Menopausal Symptoms
Premenstrual Syndrome
Morning Sickness
Allergic Rhinitis
Circulation Issues
Blood Pressure Regulation
Smoking Cessation
Chronic Fatigue
Cupping Therapy
Cupping could be called a universal treatment: It was used by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, and is still found today throughout much of Asia and the Middle East. Cups used in cupping therapy have taken many forms over the centuries, from bamboo and animal horn to hollowed bamboo segments... In more recent times, sturdy glass or ceramic cups have become the standard both in wet cupping and dry cupping. A vacuum is created within a cup by quickly introducing a heat source (traditional method) or using a small pump (modern method) and then placing the cup on the affected area or along a specific meridian.
Eastern medical traditions view cupping as a means to draw out 'cold' conditions (such as bronchitis, COPD, arthritis) caused by stagnation of energy. The primary physical goal of cupping therapy is to move lymph and increase circulation to a particular area in order to facilitate healing and reduce pain.
Tibetan-style cupping (Sang-bom) using copper cups (Me-bom) and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) cupping are used by Dr. Yangbum Gyal to address chronic back pain, contracted or arthritic joints, scar tissue, lymphedema, and respiratory conditions.